cityXplorer™ karta 753759977160
cityXplorer™ karta 753759977160
Výrobca |
Garmin |
Kód | ITA097453 | |
Part No. | 753759977160 | |
Dostupnosť po pobočkách |
DPH | 20% | |
Vaša cena s DPH |
7.78 €
bez DPH 6.48 €
Vaša cena bez DPH | ||
Garancia ceny | Našli ste inde na internete nižšiu cenu? Informujte nás! | |
Objednať |
Záruka koncový zákazník: 2 Roky
Záruka firma: 2 Roky
Kód: ITA097453
Part No.: 753759977160
Záruka firma: 2 Roky
Kód: ITA097453
Part No.: 753759977160
cityXplorer™ karta
cityXplorer™ karta 753759977160
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Vážení zákazníci, dovoľujeme si Vás upozorniť, že pri zásielkach expedovaných po 18.12.2024 nám nevie kuriérska spoločnosť zaručiť, že budú dodané do 23.12.2024. Ďakujeme za porozumenie. Viac info
Podrobnosti o produkte
Popis produktu:
cityXplorer™ karta je produkt, prostredníctvom ktorého si budete vedieť stiahnuť do svojej kompatibilnej navigácie plnohodnotnú mapu jedného mesta alebo metropoly. S týmto plohodlným spôsobom sa vyhnete platbe kreditnými kartmi.
Navigácia mestom
Vďaka svojej schopnosti rozšírenej pešej navigácie, sú súčasné zariadenia Garmin série nüvi ideálny spoločník pre cestovanie mestom. Po stiahnutí voliteľného obsahu máp cityXplorer™, ktoré vám pomôžu orientovať sa v mestskej hromadnej doprave. Viem, kde a kam to chodí, kde chytiť autobus, metro, električku alebo iné dopravné prostriedky a ako dlho bude trvať, než sa tam dostanem. cityXplorer™ - sú voliteľné mapy metropol a miest v rámci celého sveta, ktoré vám okrem iného pomôžu orientovať sa aj v mestskej verejnej doprave (autobus, metro, električka a pod.). S cenami od 11,99,-€/mesto, vám ostanú peniaze na utrácanie vo veľkom meste. Kompletnú ponuku dostupných miest nájdete na nasledovnom odkaze > > >.
Just in time for the glorious summer, Garmin Europe is pleased to announce the cityXplorer. Retail Cards. Each one of these easy to redeem cards provides access to download one of the hundreds of major cities that Garmin offers worldwide for our cityXplorer product line. The cityXplorer maps not only provide the latest roads and points of interest for the metropolitan areas but also offer enhanced pedestrian navigation that helps you navigate the cityˇ¦s public transit. Many forms of public transportation are offered, such as underground metro, over-ground rail, tramway, bus, ferries and more. In some cities, timetables will also be available for some of the public transport networks, so that the calculated route will be maximized in time in the best possible way. Public transport network types depend on city. Details on the public transportation coverage in each city are listed on our website, cityXplorer is the perfect companion for the following Garmin sat-nav devices, adding the premium pedestrian navigation to the existing great features: nuviR 1200, 1300, 1400, 1600, 2200, 2300, 2400, 3700 series and nuLink series units. Additional units may have limited compatibility. nuvi 200/2x5/500/705/805/5000 series and 200/400/500/600 series units can still use cityXplorer maps to provide a less expensive alternative to City NavigatorR maps, just without the enhanced pedestrian features. If you are visiting a specific city and donˇ¦t need maps for the entire country or region, you can purchase a cityXplorer map as an add-on accessory for an easy, low cost sale. For example, if you are visiting New York and only need maps for that metropolitan area, you can redeem the card for cityXplorer New York maps instead of the more expensive City NavigatorR maps for all of North America, making the cityXplorer Retail Cards the perfect add-on if you are heading off to a business trip, a short break or a longer deserved holiday. Features and requirements: „h Includes the same great detailed street maps and information found in City NavigatorR maps ˇV the most detailed content available „h Provides premium pedestrian mode ˇV street directions that use available forms of public transportation: underground metro, over-ground rail, tramway, bus, ferries and more (compatible devices only; depends on city) „h Automotive mode also available with the same supreme quality of City NavigatorR maps „h Gives turn-by-turn directions in both pedestrian and automotive modes „h Displays and enables to search the latest points of interest, including hotels, restaurants, parking, entertainment, fuel, shopping and more „h Provides Lane Assist for easy lane guidance when driving (compatible devices only) UPOZORNENIE: Táto karta hradí len jedno (1) mesto a môže byť použitá len s jedným (1) kompatibilným zariadením. Pre ďalšie mestá a zariadenia je nutné zakúpiť ďalsie karty.